BY EDDY NYADWA – In a world with growing crimes rates and dwindling trust in the police service to manage security, the number of private security officers has been on the rise. In fact, this is a phenomenon being witnessed globally.
A study conducted by new guardian in 2017 revealed that more than 40 countries – including the US, China, Canada, Australia and the UK – have more workers hired to protect specific people, places and things than police officers with a mandate to protect the public at large.
Concrete data on the number of security firms in Kenya is difficult to come by. However, Kenya’s private security industry estimates that there are 400,000 or more private security guards, 3,000 security companies and 100,000 police officers.
Changing role of private security guards.
Traditionally, the roles of a private security officer include protecting people, places and property from potential threats. Although the security officer job description varies, depending on the specific work setting, private security officer duties focus primarily on preventing crime and security risk mitigation.
In today’s dynamic world, how people work has changed and workers must unlearn, learn and re-learn new skills. Technology is one element that has really impacted work.
Manned security guarding is today backed up by CCTV monitoring. Further, radio calls are no longer a preserve for the military and police. Soon, drones will be deployed by private security firms in conducting security operations.
When covid-19 pandemic ravaged the world and affected the global economy, security sector was not spared. Private security guards were charged with additional responsibility of screening persons accessing public places and buildings.
Guards are today covid-19 health protocol gate keepers. They check temperatures, ensure adherence to proper wearing of face mask, social distancing and washing of hands/ sanitizing.
Still on medical aspect, a private security officer also acts as the first responder in case of health emergency. I one time witnessed a guard diligently perform first aid to a child who was choking in a restaurant.
Unlike previously when private security guards were not accorded much respect, today things have changed, In fact the law recognizes them as important cadre of people who back up police security officers.
With the continued reforms being done by the regulatory body, Private Security Regulatory Authority, the future is bright. Rogue security firms will be de-registered. Further, private security officers now have to undergo mandatory detailed training that cover, Law, Human Rights, First Aid and Security aspects.
EDDY NYADWA is the Communications Research & Development Officer at Babs Security. email him directly enyadwa@babsecurity.com